Living Waters films
If you are not familiar with the work of Living Waters then link here
I have appreciated watching the videos that have been produced by Living Waters that encourage evangelism. Ray Comfort, in particular, is gifted to communicate the truth of the gospel and why mankind needs saving.
Movies Link Here
The films list include Evolution vs God
- Home
- Why The Lighthouse?
- Eschatology
- Does God foreknow His elect?
- The Gospel
- Marriage
- Interpretation of scripture
- Statement of Faith
- Does God heal today & healing in the atonement
- The Church we find in Scripture
- The Law of Christ and the Law of Moses which shoul...
- How can Atheists believe evolution?
- Creation and the lie of evolution
- The falling away
- Living Waters films
- The prosperity gospel
- Isis,Islam and antichrist
- Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts
- Climate change and global warning
- Heresy
- what is abortion?
- Church Eldership
- Mega church, mega deception
- Cults and Religions
- The Eternal God, Eternal life, Eternal Death (the...
- Self worship and the worship of worship .
- Defending the faith, ecumenism and all faiths together
- Tithing
- The Sabbath rest and the first day of the week.